Everything she had lost including the value of what was harvested in her absence was restored
The Shunamite woman by the Grace of YHWH experienced the “at that very moment” experience.
Whilst her miracle was being echoed to the king by Gehazi, her “at that very moment” experience came to pass.
Her dominion was restored in the womb of time because she obeyed the word from Elisha to relocate in the season of famine. The woman upon returning was given the divine opprotunity to turn her testimony into a faith building tool that got her back all that she had left behind including every interest yielded on the sale of every crop that was harvested on that property.
There are opportunities that come by making sure you maximize the time and the season the Lord has placed you in. To understand seasons and times as well as to walk into your “at that very moment” experience is to listen for the Lord’s voice and to obey.
If the woman, had excercised her right to ignore the word of the Lord from the mouth of Elisha, not only would she had also been placed in a seven-year famine but, also she would have been in the land of captivity.
She became an immigrant in the land of her enemies and stayed for seven years not knowing what will become of her belongings and hard earned “valuables” yet she knew that the most valuable thing that can happen to a man or woman is to obey the Lord fully without hesitation.
The interesting aspect is that the one who became her testimony speaker was the same Gehazi who tried to hinder her from seeing the prophet Elisha when her son laid dead in the bed of the prophet. Elisha gave her access because she showed him kindness whenever he passed by their town.
Positioning yourself to embrace these moments is heavily dependent on our ability to allow the Lord model and mould us by the aid of the Holy Spirit and then we can enforce the authority of heaven over our seasons as Jesus Christ mediates on our behalf.
May we maximize our time by obeying the Word of the Lord and the voice of the Lord so we never miss our Kairos Moments…. and anything that we have lost, be restored. Including the value of that which has been harvested in our absence….Amen!
Ref: 2Kings 8
Shalom ~RD
PROPHET = Preacher,Worship Leader, Teacher etc my self included.
Dear Brothers and sisters,
What a Joy it is for you and i to have the privilege of serving in YHWH presence and representing Him here on earth.
Greetings in Yeshua’s name. To you all, especially those in direct service of undertaking specific assignments for YHWH – Clearly all of us – I rejoice with you and salute you.
There are many errors that can have us loose our place in the execution of the assignment the Lord has placed on you and I without knowing.
However, these two – by the leading of the Holy Spirit and no personal observation of mine – is very deadly
- To think you are the “only one left” cut out to execute an assignment of the Lord or cause a revival in an area and or this generation.
“What I call the pride of the saints” by the leading of the Ruach Hakodesh
A little of expression of God’s power through us and we feel we are the only powerful one God has ever produced.
- To do it alone and throw away everyone that is around you.
Don’t get me wrong, not every relationship will ends up in friendship but, every christ-centered relationship you engage in must draw people to God and express His love all the way.
And that’s where servanthood is expressed in leadership and leadership expressed in servanthood.
The Holy Spirit drew my attention to Elijah. His name literally means YHWH is my God. (Let that sync…..)
Elijah, said I am the only prophet left, I have served you zealously and your people who have forsaken you and torn down your altars want to kill me as well. (When in truth it was jezebel that want him dead). I am tired, take my life, I have had enough, I am not better than my fathers before me.
Elijah forgot the recent victories that the Lord delivered through him, when Yehowah fed him with ravens (a death and bad omen associated bird),
Gave him water for sustenance when he Elijah had been used to place an embargo on rain and even due for 3.5years.
He forgot how water poured on bulls for sacrifice on the restored altars of Mount Carmel was consumed by fire from Elohim’s presence…
He forgot how the baal prophets lost their lives for daring the many powered God – Elohim.
And, forgot how he was used to perfect the faith of his servant upon the 7th look where a cloud the form of man’s hand appeared out the sea ( a representation of despair). Indeed, he forgot how an abundance of rain was set in motion by the quickening of the Spirit of God through him and how he outrun the chariots of Ahab.
And he fled upon the word of a person (jezebel) who had a misplaced alignment with a false god (baal) whose power he (Elijah) had mocked on mount Carmel and restore for El Olam!
as the Lord humbly revealed by to us by this study.
Even as he fled, he left his servant behind and secluded himself (in fear) then YHWH sent and angel twice to feed him, yet he remained in fear.
Perhaps, He wants a dramatic entrance of the Spirit of the Lord (as many of us normally yearn for).
So Yah passed by in windstorms, earthquakes and fire (what a dramatic entrance) yet He YHWH was not in it….. until the gentle whisper of His voice shook Elijah….
In other words what YHWH was pointing out to Elijah was that, you walk with the one who the elements of this world praise with their expressions and with a whisper can cause the world to seize to exist and make demons cower….. so Elijah…..
WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? in others words
And the second time His response was the “pride of the saints” I am the only one left and the want to kill me, I have had enough, take my life, I am not better than my ancestors….And the Lord granted him his wish, anointed “news persons as kings” and then asked Elijah to go and anoint His replacement (Elisha) that very moment.
Beloved, the moment you think you are the only one, that is the moment your reliance on God dwindles and that is the moment your replacement is scheduled.
When we allow fear (of this world and its uncertainties and demons) to be heightened in us, our faith in Jehovah diminishes.The moment we forget the victories the Lord has won for us as well as thru us, that is the moment fear sets in. And instead of taking a stand for the Lord, we will take a bow infront of our adversaries and the adversities of life.
NB : Prophet here is (Preacher, Worship Leader, Teacher etc)
He that has an ear, let him/her hear what the Spirit of the Lord says to Churches of YHWH.
Shalom ~RD